What a glorious day, this Tuesday morning in early June.
We do not usually shirk our daily work, but on a day like this one does need to seize an opportunity. Not forgetting that Tuesday is Pensioner free-entry day at Kirstenbosch, we used the age advantage and saved ourselves the entrance fee.
It was food for the soul – fresh still air, birdsong accompanying wherever you walk, rushing streams after our wonderful week of rain in Cape Town, neat gardens with endless variety of healthy plants, infinite options of choice of path, majestic mountain towering backdrop, shaded areas and full sun expanses … you probably get the picture.
There was not much colour due to the time of the year, some purple and white, but that did not detract from all the different greens, shape and size of leaf.
What is remarkable is that you are never aware of other people, even if the garden is crowded.
Also, I do love all the benches – every nook and cranny, a spot to just sit.
At the end of our leisurely walk, we enjoyed an excellent toasted sandwich and coffee at The Kirstenbosch Tea Restaurant.